Uncovering the nuances of shopping for a piece of heavy equipment
project completed while employed at vervint
This was a cross-over research endeavor with both Cat Financial and caterpillar's lead generation platform. We partnered with these teams to enhance the build and price workflow for enhanced user experience, aiming to drive more qualified leads to Cat dealers. They assess digital content effectiveness, explore customer attitudes and behaviors, and evaluate prototype tools. Research objectives include understanding purchase decision processes, perception of pricing, and expectations for dealer interactions. Findings will inform recommendations for improved user and dealer experiences.
I collaborated with Claire Tomm for all of the research objectives and session guides and with AJ PAPIN and Maria Arellano on UX and facilitation of the interview sessions, and Tabitha Rivera as a pm.

Study Design & Methods:
we conducted in-person prototype-testing sessions at CattleCon24, targeting small business owners or decision-makers for heavy equipment purchases. Participants received a gift card and spun a prize wheel for a chance to win Cat swag. Sessions were recorded and analyzed qualitatively using Marvin and Miro. Insights were synthesized into a report presented to Cat Financial and caterpillar stakeholders.
we conducted in-person prototype-testing sessions at CattleCon24, targeting small business owners or decision-makers for heavy equipment purchases. Participants received a gift card and spun a prize wheel for a chance to win Cat swag. Sessions were recorded and analyzed qualitatively using Marvin and Miro. Insights were synthesized into a report presented to Cat Financial and caterpillar stakeholders.